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What is The Dancer's Code?

You might be asking what is a dancer's code?

What is the dancer's code comprised of?

What is a dancer's code used for?

And why is having one so important?

The dancer's code might be entailed of a lot of things to a lot of different people in the dance world.

For us at Virginia Academy of Dance the Dancer's Code is a very important guideline that we follow.

The dancer's code could also easily be described as our Studio Code, since everything revolves around it.

The events we organize, dances we create, atmosphere we emulate, everything and everyone must follow the code.

We created our Studio/Dancer's Code to give us rules to follow and to help us to show others around us in our community, and in the dance world, what VAD is all about.

Our Studio Code consists of 5 things.

  1. Safety

  2. Health

  3. Technically Strong

  4. Classy

  5. Fearless

We love our Studio Code, and we love how our dancer's and families follow and love it as well.

Our code shows what we're all about.

The next few weeks we will be diving deep into explaining what each of our code topics mean to VAD and the reasoning we came to on deciding why these were our final five attributes to represent us.

Every business, family, person, etc. should have a code of some sort.

What's yours?

Click the Button to Find Out More of What VAD is About!

Written by Savannah Newman

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